Sunday, July 29, 2012

SharePoint 2013 New Features

In Share Point 2013 Microsoft has tried to improve the experience and make it easier for administrators to deal with the massive program. The most important features for me:
  1. Request Management:
    RM can route to WFEs with better health, keeping low-health WFEs alive
  2. New Replacement for Web Analytics Service:
    Find relevant information (improve search relevance) – based on views, click thru, etc.
  3. Distributed Cache Service:
    There is a new distributed cache service, based on Windows Server AppFabric Distributed Caching.
  4. Alternate Access Mappings and Self Service Site Creation
    • You can still use zones in conjunction with the Urls for a site for different auth methods, But you’re not tied to zones, you can use more than 5 Urls for a site.
    • You can specify a custom form that should be used to create a new site. You can also define policies in a content type hub and require or ask that each new site uses one of those policies.
  5. Themes:
    Everything is now based on HTML instead of proprietary format – including support for HTML5
    (PowerPoint is no longer used to create custom themes)
  6. Sharing – Problems: adding feature of managing and tracking (sharing links with permissions and permissions requests)
  7. Office Web Apps is no longer a service application. Seperated to own product
  8. Enhance capability of BCS: Access oData sources OOB just like WCF or SQL , has alert, and application level scope.
  9. Add Community Site Templates
  10. WCM:
    • Target different design depend on user agent
    • Search Engine Optimization (Metadata, sitemap generation, url mapping)
    • Cross Site Publishing
    • Enable Commerce (catalog Template)
    • Manage navigation by terms store
    • Device based rendering
  11. SharePoint Workflow Improvements
    • Introducing “Stages” (State machine)
    • Declarative workflows have loops
    • Declarative workflows can call REST/SOAP services
  12. For more information you can download Share Point 2013 presentations download

Sunday, July 1, 2012

List.Items.Count Vs List.ItemCount

The value of the ItemCount property includes folders within a document library, as well as files within subfolders.
The value of the Count property of the SPListCollection class does not include folders.

Checklist for Creating SharePoint Web Parts

To find a checklist contains a series of tasks designed to help you determine the quality of Web Parts you are asked to deploy or maintain, Check this link:

SharePoint 2010 users are prompted to save PDF file instead to open directly issue

In SharePoint 2010, users are prompted to save PDF files instead of opening directly when they try to open the files on some libraries.
SharePoint 2010, there is a setting called “Browser File Handling” control this behavior. This setting has 2 options:
Strict: specifies that MIME content types which are not listed in “AllowedInlineDownloadedMimeTypes” are forced to be downloaded.
permissive:“Permissive” specifies that the HTML and other content types which might contain script are allowed to be displayed directly in the browser. (You need to select this option to solve this)

This setting can be configured in web Web Application level.or Library level.
You can modify setting on web application level through GUI For that you need to be a Farm Administrator. Steps to change Browser File Handling property:
  • Go to SharePoint 2010 Central Administration > Application Management > Manage Web Applications
  • Select the row of your web application
  • Click General Settings in the ribbon
  • Scroll down to Browser File Handling and select Permissive
  • Click Ok
There is no UI to change this setting in library level. You can use powershell:

      Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.Powershell
      $site = Get-SPSite("http://sbx01/sites/Harry")
      $web = $site.OpenWeb()
      $list = $web.GetList("http://sbx01/sites/Harry/Shared Documents")
      $list.browserfilehandling                       //list the value “Strict” is the return for example

     $list.browserfilehandling = "Permissive"
     $list.update()                                             // set the value to “Permissive”
     $list.browserfilehandling                      // list the value again 

Open SharePoint management forms in new page

If you want to open SharePoint Form in new page instead of popup:
  1. Right Click in popup page and copy the url.
  2. Remove IsDlg=true from query string.
  3. You need yo modify return url adjust root folder and source url.

    Url will be as below:

SharePoint Plan browser support

These articles describe different levels of Web browser support
Office SharePoint Server 2007:

SharePoint Server 2010: